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How do you spell windy like a windy road?

When I need to use the word “windy” to mean curving, I use winding to avoid confusion. The winding roads were steep as opposed to the windy roads were steep so you don’t wonder if it was windy (too much wind) or windy (meaning curving).

What is a windy road?

Winding is a path that winds through woods with many bends and curves. A river that flows down to the ocean is also winding. The indirect, twisting road is described in the Beatles song “The Long and Winding Road”. Winding is an Old English root word, windan. This means “to turn or twist” in Old English.

You may also be asked how to spell Windee. To make (a mechanism) functional by tightening its mainspring using a key (often followed up). To lift or haul something using a winch, windlass or similar device (often followed up). To make one’s way in a curving or bending course: The stream winds its path through the woods.

What is windy?

1’a windy day’ SYNONYMS. breezy, blowy, fresh, blustery, gusty. Wild, stormy and turbulent.

What does “winding road ahead” mean?

Winding Road. WINDING ROAD (SET OF CURVES). This sign signifies that there are at least three (3) curves ahead. The advisory speed sign is often displayed with the sign. Before you enter the curves, slow down to the recommended speed.

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